Vinny Lingham Lost After “Mean Boys” Refuse to Share Original Thoughts any Longer

Photo courtesy of Tech Central.
Bitcoin Oracle Vinny Lingham now finds himself in a bit of a troubling situation after a recent altercation on Thursday with a man who calls himself “Shillasorous Rex 420” left him thoughtless.
Mr. “Shillasorous” accused the former GYFT CEO and now utility shitcoin promoter of continuously stealing his original ideas and coopting them as his own.
“He has no original thought. All he does is steal my ideas. And my ideas aren’t even that good. I’m high when I write them.”
Mr. Shill continued, “He takes everything. He even takes my referral codes! I don’t think he realizes that doesn’t benefit him! He’s out of control.”
In the spirit of the #metoo movement that has been sweeping the crypto world, a new tag was created, the appropriately titled #metoovinny
“We felt a timeout was in order for Vinny. It’s in his best interest.” said ATH seller Charlie Lee.
Because of this Mr. Lingham has been blocked from viewing the posts of the most influential thought leaders on Crypto. This has left Lingham with no thought leadership. He is officially without thought.
When asked about his experience he told us:
“You know the first few days were hard. I was not used to original thought. There’s nobody there to tell me if what I’m saying is right or wrong. As a CEO, entrepreneur, and investor, I like to test out the impact of other peoples ideas before I ste- use them. This free thinking business is not optimal. But I pride myself on my patience, and I am sure the truth will come out at the end, and I’m hoping its mine.”
When we last checked on Mr. Lingham he told us that conference engagement has gone down. He believes its the bear market. Our editorial staff chose to leave him with this belief.
This article is satire and for entertainment purposes only.